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Scope of Services

Phases in architectural services:

1. Pre-Design

  • Analyses of client's needs: Review client's stated objectives and advise on viability of the project.

  • Building Program: Statement of the requirements or fundamental objectives of the project, including the interrelation of space allocations, the areas required for the spaces, specific materials and /or assemblies to be used, time factors, cost implications, constraints, and any special design considerations required for the project.

  • Site evaluation study: Review the site of the project and assess its suitability to accommodate the client's project. In doing so, take into account known site constraints, ability to support future additions and alterations, and potential impact of proposed developments in the surroundings.

  • Assist client re survey information required: Assist client, if required, in the engagement of a land surveyor. Identify the information required from the survey.

  • Estimate of Material performance cost: Prepare an estimate of Material performance cost. Advise client accordingly.

2. Schematic Design Phase

  • Review of Program of Client's Requirements.

  • Investigate Existing Conditions: Visit the Place of Work and review characteristics of the site.

  • Schematic Design Documents: Based on the mutually agreed upon program of requirements and schedule, prepare for the client's review and approval, schematic design documents to illustrate the scale, character and functionality of the project.

  • Estimate of Material performance cost: Prepare and submit to the client an estimate of Material performance cost based on current area or volume unit costs factored to anticipated time of construction.

  • Review Applicable Regulations, Codes etc.: Review applicable regulations, codes and by-laws.

  • Assist client re soils investigation information required: Assist client, if required, in the engagement of a Geotechnical consultant. Identify the information required from the report.

3. Design Development Phase

  • Design Development Documents: Based on the client's approved schematic design documents and agreed estimate of material performance cost, prepare for client's review and approval, design development drawings and other documents appropriate to the size of the project.

  • Update Estimate of Material Performance Cost: Prepare and submit to the client a revised estimate of material performance cost.

  • Continue Review of Applicable Regulations, Codes etc.: Review applicable regulations codes and by-laws as the design of the project is developed.

4. Construction Documents Phase

  • Drawings and Specifications: Based on the approved design development documents and agreed updated estimate of probable construction cost, prepare construction documents consisting of drawings and specifications setting the requirements for the construction of the project.

  • Updated Estimate of Material performance cost: Advise the client of any adjustments to the estimate of Material performance cost, including adjustments indicated by changes in requirements and general market conditions.

  • Review Applicable Regulations, Codes etc.: Review all applicable regulations, codes and by-laws and, where necessary, review with the authorities having jurisdiction in order that the client may apply for and obtain approvals, licences and permits necessary for the project.

5. Construction Phase. General Review.

  • Supplemental Details and Instructions: Provide additional documents and supplemental instructions as required for clarification of the Construction Documents.

  • Requests for information (RFI's): Receive requests for information from contractors and process accordingly.

  • Change Notices/Orders and Change Directives: Prepare supporting drawings, specifications and data, evaluate contractor's proposals and provide services in connection with changes to the project.

  • Evaluating Contractor's Proposed Substitutions: Evaluate substitutions proposed by the contractor and make subsequent revisions to the drawings, specifications and other documentation resulting from them.

  • Record Drawings: Prepare drawings showing changes made during construction, based on as-built drawings (marked up prints) and other data furnished to the architect.

  • Site Meetings: Preside over and report on site meetings with contractor, major sub-contractors and consultants, to review the progress of the Work.

  • General Review: Provide general review services.

  • Inspection & Testing Services: Observe the contractor's performance in having inspection and testing companies as required by the construction contract, review their reports and report to client.

  • Contract Documentation Interpretation: Documents provide for the architect to be the interpreter of the construction documents in the first instance. Review documents and respond to questions of interpretation of document requirements.

  • Substantial Performance Certification: As payment certifier, prepare and issue the statement of completion according with R.D. 462/1971.

6. Project Close Out

At the end of construction provide services for the takeover of the project by the client.



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